Friday, June 29, 2012


7 years ago today (6/28/2005) a four man SEAL team went out to kill or capture        
Ahmed Shah, a Taliban leader...

To all those that scarified their lives that day, we honor you!
This one is for them!
5 rounds
28 walking lunges
28 push press
28 Sit ups
28 sumo deadlift high pull
28 box jumps
28 kettlebell swings 

This is the WOD  I am doing today, in honor of these awesome men.

Well in the last month I accomplished something I thought was major. I finally did box jumps. And a girl by the name of Bekkah was the one that motivated me and coached me through it.
I tell you these people from CFU are GOD SENT lol.
I am starting to see changes in my body slowly but surely. 
I completed my 1st non scaled wod that required 124 Burpees and 372 single unders in 20 mins. I WANTED TO DIE........Even though I did not complete the jump ropes I had this major sense of accomplishment completing 124 Burpees:) Im getting stronger and can't wait to see what more I can do. To all those that are on a weight loss journey of there own DO NO GIVE UP. 
Like I have said in the past if getting in shape was easy then the world would be a skinnier happier  healthier place:)
much Love

Thursday, June 14, 2012

A little worried.

So where do I begin? It's been a little bit since I last blogged. 2 days ago I got my 1st battle wound from CFU. A nice piece of skin ripped off my thumb due to the WOD we had with Hang cleans. The bars are rough and constantly rubbing your skin on it with a heavy weight will rub the skin right off. Crossfitters see these as bragging rights lol. I also Have a bruise on my collarbone area. Why? imagine trying to catch a barbell with weight and it hits your collar bone at a fast rate. I don't know where I'm at right now. I can't say I'm frustrated but I'm a little worried about my results. I have not weighed myself. I also have not taped myself either. I need to get on the ball with b4 pics. I guess I'm going by how my panties fit lolol. Big girls you know what I'm talking about. If you're panties start rolling down it's time to hit the gym lolol. Panties are not rolling down so I guess that's a good thing lol. Anyway the picture above gives you an idea of the accomplishment I feel when I do a WOD. A month into this and I still struggle with WTH did I get my self into but I know it'll all be worth it in the end. The support I get at CFU is something I never had before, not to that extent at least. I cant ever see myself at another gym working out. CFU is my new family. Anyway if you are struggling with weight loss don't give up. If it was easy America wouldn't be obese. No Pain No gain:)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Worn out!

This is what I looked like after my last Hero WOD.
Lumberjack20 was no joke.
WOD 2012 05 25: "Lumberjack 20"

20 Deadlifts (275lbs)
Run 400m
20 KB swings (2pood)
Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats (115lbs)
Run 400m
20 Burpees
Run 400m
20 Pullups (Chest to Bar)
Run 400m
20 Box jumps (24")
Run 400m
20 DB Squat Cleans (45lbs each)
Run 400m

    By the time I was done my calves were cramped up and it hurt to walk. I wanted to cry but I didn't. I had the support of the amazing members at CFU. When I started this journey I knew it wasn't going to be easy but I didn't think it would be this hard either. I weighed myself and saw I had actually gained weight. Now the way I have been eating and working out i should NOT be gaining weight lol. But after talking to a few members I learned that muscles are starting to form:p That makes me HACKY.  That motivates me. I didn't participate in the memorial day Murph but know some amazing people that did and that insoires me to get ready for the next one:) Pray for me while I'm on this journey.......Lord know's I am going to need the strength. If I dont complete this journey than I won't complete anything else I start in my life. God Bless.


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Feeling of Defeat..........and then I cried

                               I had to read this to myself over and over after today's WOD.
4 rounds of 400m run and 12 pushups sounds easier and should be easier then the other WODS I have done the past couple weeks I've been at CFU. I felt defeated and weak and cried in front of everyone in the middle of my WOD. I don't cry in front of people I just met, especially at a gym. I'm supposed to be bas ass and tough it through the WOD. I cried and ran I cried and did my push ups. The whole time an amazing woman by the name of Lindsay stood by my side and cheered me on. She ran with me and even cried with me. She now holds a special place in my heart. All the amazing people that were there cheered me on through my pushups. I learned that "I CAN'T " is a bad word lol. I learned that these bad ass crossfitters that have been doing this for awhile are not full of themselves and have amazing hearts. I learned that this is just the beginning. It never get's easier , You just get stronger. And stronger I will become. I won't give up. My CFU family won't let me give up and that's why they ROCK:)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Not a flattering picture but this gives you an idea of my new journey and how it's going. I started Crossfit with Crossfit Unrivaled going on my 2nd week now. It has not been easy. This is not something everybody does and likes. It's like you gotta be nuts and love pain in order to do these gut wrenching workouts. You wanna puke, you wanna die, you want to curl up into the fetal position and cry......................but then some amazing supporter comes along and gives you that encouragement and motivation that you need to finish up that WOD that you started. I have met an amazing group of people and already feel at home. I look forward to what's coming:)

Friday, April 27, 2012


So with this quote being said I am excited to announce that tomorrow will be my 1st day of CROSSFIT training. Crazy yes but I am determined. I can admit that I am one of those people that cannot workout alone. I need someone yelling at me and pushing me hard. My trainer was awesome but I just felt I needed something totally EXTREME to finally get me the body I want and I am certain Crossfit is the answer. I will be blogging about my experience religiously and will be posting before and after pics so you guys know this sport is the real deal:) Hasta the next time my people:)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Down 11 lbs:)

So I am excited to tell everyone that I am down 11lbs. And that's 11 lbs of FAT. My undies are not cutting off my circulation  anymore lol. My t shirt doesn't roll up at the bottom when I work out and when I sit my pooch doesn't hang out as much as it used too lolol. Yes these are the signs I look for when I'm losing weight. Any other normal person would just measure themselves and see what inches they lost. But not me lol. Also looking in the mirror I see my squats are starting to pay off. After 5 kids and at 32 yrs old I am seeing a nice round plump tush. Stand side ways in the mirror and without flexing them cheeks see where your tush is at and how plump it looks lol. It's always a good sign when your stomach is getting flat and your tushy is getting PHAT. No Brazilian butt lift here. Hard work and dedication and hitting rock bottom will always motivate someone to get it together and push harder. I'll post pics soon of the new and improved tush. Talk to you guys soon:)

Monday, March 12, 2012

The INSANITY Begins:/

So today I started the INSANITY workout again for the 2nd time. The 1st time I made it to the 5th week and couldn't go beyond that due to arthritis and tendent issues in my right wrist due to a bad break a few yrs ago. So now I decided to pick it back up and try to stick to it this time. My 1st day(today) was the fit test. Now you can see from the pic above how much sweat one can produce after jumping around for 25 mins. My legs are shaky and my heart is still racing. I should be a hottie in 60 days:p Time for water. Stay motivated. I know I have to.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My Night in Photos

This was my night last night. I yelled huffed and puffed and wanted to quit. But in the end I felt good that I finished. My trainer yelled at me and motivated me. Tonight is cardio. Wish me luck. If you don't push through the pain then you will never see results. No Pain No Gain.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Down to 215:)

So it's been a week since I started training with Jeremy and I am happy to say that I am down 5 lbs. I originally started at 220 but was 217 when I started the blog. If I could lose 5lbs in a week then Lord knows how much I can lose in a month. I can't say it's been easy because I will be lying lol. In the week since I started I have lost sleep and suffered a bad muscle spazim to the point that it hurt to breathe. I am sore ALL the time:/ But my trainer pushes me through every session. Eating now is to fuel my body and not for pleasure. Water has become my best friend. If eating right and working out was easy then I am sure the world today would be filled with healthier happier people. It's not though. I cried at my 2nd session with Jeremy because I was so mad at myself for letting myself go like this. I felt ashamed and weak. I felt like that 10lb dumbell handed my ass back to me on a silver platter. I saw the inner insecure teenager creep out for those few minutes I was feeling bad for myself, but that won't happen again. Now anger and determination have kicked in and I am going to do whatever it takes to lose this excess weight and get my life back. No more excuses.

Friday, March 2, 2012


So at 5:45A.M. my husband decides to wake me up to a healthy breakfast :/ Hmmmmm I guess he really wants to make sure I eat lol. That's the kind of support I need to start off. Love him to pieces. So breakfast consisted of 2 slices of Cinnamon raisin Ezekiel bread and scrambled egg whites. To wash it down I had my NAKED green juice packed full of vitamins:) Now Lord knows I am going to need all the strength I can get today. Not only is today the day I find out about my sons up coming surgery, but we also get the results to his biopsy. A day full of errands after that. Motherly duties, house chores and a late night session at the gym with the one and only Jeremy Berrios. And I have to do all of this with the pain in my back that i still have from a back spasm I got yesterday:( Wish me luck. Make sure to hydrate hydrate hydrate. If you're pee is yellow then you're not drinking enough water. Something I learned while I served in the Navy lol. Have a blessed day ya'll:)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Meet my Personal Trainer

Jeremy Berrios is my new Trainer who has blessed me with the opportunity to get my butt back in shape. He is such a professional and makes you feel very comfortable even if you don't feel comfortable in your skin.  At 23 yrs old Jeremy knows what it takes to reach your goal.You'll be seeing Jeremy throughout my journey.

The Picture that started this Journey

This is the picture that changed it all for me. I was shocked when I saw this image of me. My wonderful husband took this of at the last wedding we shot. Why is it that we don't feel as big as we really look.
217lbs people. Mark my words " All of this weight is taking a permanent vacation;)"

The Beginning

Ever since I can remember I have struggled with my weight. Resisting the sweet stuff is like putting a crack head in front of a pipe. At 32 yrs old I finally realized that if I don't get my weight and my life under control I NEVER will. As a proud mama of 5 beautiful kids I do not want to pass the same bad traits to my children. Especially my daughters. So what do I do? Well I get off my fat ass and handle business. I get a trainer and bust my ass in the gym till it hurts. Along with this new mission I also have to juggle my photography and motherly and wifely duties. Will I be able to handle this? Well time will tell. That's the reason for the blog. In some sort of weird way it kind of holds me responsible for my actions. As of February 27, 2012 I weigh in at 217 lbs. There I put it out there. So begins my journey into the world of exercise and clean eating. Wish me luck;)